Commander Cherry’s Puzzled Journey

I have been very busy recently and I am now starting to catch up with the blog and everything. On that note: I’ve released an Update to my ebook to make it compatible with the latest version of EaselJS 0.7.1 – the update is free for anyone who purchased the book, and for everyone else: the price is still the same ;-)

But the reason for this post is that I want to write about another indie game that friends of mine are currently developing called ‘Commander Cherry’s Puzzled Journey’.

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The state of Audio in HTML5 Games

HTML5 Gaming for desktop and mobile is a very trendy topic these days. The performance of canvas applications is getting better and better each day and technologies like CocoonJS or Ejecta even enable a close to native performance for canvas applications on mobile devices. – But what about audio? Is it really that easy to implement sound with your html app?
This article features some interesting points that I collected while researching for my eBook ‘From Zero to the Appstore’.

Audio != Audio

While most browsers and devices already do support audio in general, that doesn’t mean you can just play any audio file in any modern browser. The following table briefly lists the support for Audio-codecs.

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EaselJS Pixel Perfect Collision Detection for Bitmaps with Alpha Threshold

I just finished the first version of a pixel perfect collision detection for EaselJS Bitmaps and BitmapAnimations.
Get it from Github:

Here is an example (play around with the alpha threshold and toggle the detection mode):